Big changes to Resilience Roundup
You haven’t heard from me in awhile because I’ve been working behind the scenes to make some changes to the Resilience Roundup Community that will allow me to continue to deliver the analysis that folks have come to rely on.
Instead of relying on sponsors, Resilience Roundup will be moving to a paid, subscription model. This will allow me to continue to create the content that you’ve come to rely on as well as create new ones, all while creating a better community for learning.
I’ve heard from a lot of readers that some the past issues have been linked in all sorts of places like internal company wikis, on boarding docs, etc… Don’t worry, those will still work, the current issue archive will remain free and accessible. Also, there will be a free tier with occasional issues still available, so even if you can’t subscribe right now, you’ll still get a chance to see new content, just less of it and less often.
I’m sure there are lot of questions, I’ve tried to tackle most of them here, but as ever please feel free to reach out to me if you have any others.
What about sponsors?
If you’ve been a part of the community for a while then you’ve seen some sponsors come and go. While those that you’ve seen have been a big part of helping Resilience Roundup continue (thanks again to @FireHydrantIO for being the first!), for every sponsorship that you folks see, there’s lots of work for all the ones you don’t.
You don’t see those, because I’ve always been adamant that sponsors be of benefit to the community. You might think that wouldn’t be that high of a bar, but I even had a potential sponsor (who I shall not name) ask for LinkedIn pages and company names for each individual subscriber. Not only do I not collect that, there is no way in hell I’d ever give out that kind of information.
Also, there are a number of sponsors who drop out somewhere during the screening process, or more recnetly were affected by the pandemic and had to withdraw. This has created an unsustainable amount of work for me and has distracted me much more than I’d like from the core mission of helping people learn more about resilience and put its principles into practice in their work.
What now?
Over the next few weeks I’ll be finishing the last of the work on the site and getting some the new content ready to go. These changes will officially take effect July 1, but you may start to see some changes to the site before then.
In the mean time, I’ll be offering anyone who wants to signup during this time a 60% discount on the monthly cost, brining it only $15/month for as long as you are a subscriber.